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Lessons Learned Over Years in Development - Mistakes and Successes

March 07, 2025

GenAI and Technical Tests · Revolution or Trap for Developers?

February 08, 2025

How to Lead a Development Team Without Losing Your Technical Edge

January 07, 2025

Install Oracle Database XE on Apple Sillicon

November 17, 2024

How to build a split keyboard - Lily58 Pro

November 29, 2020

Speed up build times for ArchLinux AUR packages

April 27, 2019

Dokku: create your own PaaS

April 15, 2019

5 years working at Openhost: from craftsmanship to enterprisy

December 09, 2014

Easy way to install PHP QA tools

October 23, 2014

Scale out vs Scale up

July 22, 2014

Simplified version of my PHP test runner

November 13, 2013

Ask, What would the user do?

August 01, 2013

Speed up PHP linting with xargs

July 30, 2013

Too much features in products

July 29, 2013

Setting up Hubot with a gTalk account for fun

May 11, 2013

Solving caching issues with Vagrant on vboxsf

May 07, 2013

Steps toward modernizing a legacy codebase

April 19, 2013

Thoughts on working from home

March 07, 2013

Pingback-php: a library for performing Pingback calls in an easy-way

December 26, 2012

Get better performance and life from your SSD in Linux-based systems

December 14, 2012

Object Calisthenics: write better object-oriented code

December 14, 2012

Remove grub from MBR under Mac OS X

December 14, 2012

Authenticate into Ubuntu 12.04 with your DNI-e (Spanish ID)

June 05, 2012

Setting up Jenkins in Ubuntu Precise 12.04 for PHP projects

April 17, 2012

Test your code with every change in your PHP files

April 15, 2012

Sending patches through mail with "git send-mail"

November 06, 2011

Thoughts about our privacy in social networks

August 30, 2011

GNOME Launch Party en Galiza, España

May 02, 2011

How to easily create Debian packages for PHP extensions

March 20, 2011

Setup a remote git repository using http with push support and digest auth

February 09, 2011

Sort an array of objects by one of the objects property with PHP

February 03, 2011

Indent your HTML code with a Smarty plugin

January 27, 2011

Migrate Subversion repository to Git without loosing data

January 13, 2011

Slides of our last lecture at the University of Coruña

November 26, 2010

Get back your disk space in a Debian-based Linux

November 21, 2010

Playing with D-Bus interface of Spotify for Linux

November 15, 2010

Speech at Trasnada "10 – Open Source translators event

October 15, 2010

Debugging PHP with XDebug and Komodo IDE

October 06, 2010

Some valuable "User Interface Patterns" resources

August 23, 2010

Restore files and dirs from previous commits in Git

August 10, 2010

Joining Ubuntu Lucid Lynx to Active Directory

July 27, 2010

Feelings at Guadec-ES 7 (A Coruña)

July 26, 2010

How to setup a LAMP server with less than 100 characters

July 15, 2010

MacBook Pro keyboard backlight keys on Ubuntu GNU/Linux

June 24, 2010

Speed up Google Analytics js by caching it locally

June 03, 2010

3 ways of get memcached status

June 01, 2010

Improve Munin stats page with new layout and plugins

March 24, 2010

Show nicer file listings with Apache autoindex module

February 17, 2010

Automatic upgrades on Ubuntu with apt and cron

January 22, 2010

Block Grub2 entries with user/pass auth

January 20, 2010

Install Ubuntu Karmic Koala on a MacBook

December 27, 2009

Optimizing MySQL databases

December 09, 2009

Using Memcache server as Apache content cache

December 08, 2009

Software"s life cycle

November 10, 2009

Rotar imágenes y elementos solo con CSS

October 11, 2009

Formula del éxito con el software libre

October 05, 2009

Getting things done algorithm

September 04, 2009

Complementos terminolóxicos galegos para Fantasdic

July 14, 2009

Procesado de documentos XML con Ruby (II)

July 02, 2009

Procesado de documentos XML con Ruby (I)

June 26, 2009

Let"s relax us

February 07, 2009

Real Wall-E

December 20, 2008

Búsqueda avanzada de archivos con find, locate y grep

December 08, 2008

Configuración de PHP 5 en Nginx (Nginx III)

November 20, 2008

Acceso rápido a la documentación de tus gemas de Ruby

August 07, 2008

Configurar MySQL para rendimiento

August 03, 2008

Migracion de SQLite a MySQL

July 04, 2008

dotfiles para Unix/Linux

July 04, 2008

Gestión de Branches y Tags con Git (II)

June 13, 2008

Control de versiones con Git (I)

June 04, 2008

SQL Injection, PHP y Bases de Datos

May 22, 2008

Configuraciónn de VirtualHosts en Nginx (Nginx II)

May 08, 2008

Web Server optimizado con Nginx (Nginx I)

May 07, 2008

Autotest con advertencias en Growl

May 07, 2008

Ruby y Google PageRank

April 13, 2008

Pruebas de Stress en Apps Rails

February 13, 2008

Búsqueda en Rails con Sphinx

February 11, 2008

Drupal + LighttpD + URL limpias

January 22, 2008

Presumiendo con Ruby

January 20, 2008

Briefcase Portability

January 17, 2008

Benchmarks de Ruby 1.9

December 27, 2007

Camino de las estrellas

December 20, 2007

Tips de seguridad en PHP

November 30, 2007

Migraciones en MySQL y caracteres especiales

November 26, 2007

¿Would you mind a cup of coffee?

November 20, 2007

La petite mort

November 15, 2007

Configuración de Lighttpd sobre Linux con PHP5, Ruby on Rails y SSL

November 12, 2007

Review de Mac OS Leopard

November 03, 2007

Microformateando en la web 3.0

October 29, 2007

De Symbian, mi Nokia e65 y Ruby

October 20, 2007

Exploits of Mum

October 11, 2007

Wireless Atheros del MacBook en GNU/Linux

September 30, 2007

Cuestión de Tamaño, 1 Gigabyte

September 24, 2007

Cocinando el kernel Linux para Macbook Core 2 Duo

September 22, 2007

Textmate, el mejor editor

September 08, 2007

Tu shell en irb

September 04, 2007

Learning from "Beautiful Code"

September 03, 2007

Videos de la Ruby Hoedown 2007

August 27, 2007

I've been thinking about you

August 23, 2007

Ruby Cookbook

August 13, 2007

The Amazing 10 Megabyte HD

August 11, 2007

Graficas estilo keynote con Ruby

August 09, 2007

WOW! La joya de la corona

August 07, 2007

Un Chiste

August 06, 2007

20 razones (o más) por las que pasarte a Gmail

July 25, 2007

Script de corrección de CHARSETS utf-8 mal exportados

July 23, 2007

Holy Bible spoiler

July 21, 2007

El arte del criquet

July 17, 2007

Un ángel en la tierra

July 14, 2007

Odio y amor

July 11, 2007

Método Científico vs. Metodo Creacionista

July 10, 2007

Relax en la tempestad

July 06, 2007

Compartir sí, pero con seguridad

July 01, 2007


June 27, 2007

Trucos con SSH

June 26, 2007

The Monkey Island

June 24, 2007

Jerarquía de la programación

June 24, 2007

Hello world!

June 23, 2007

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